Why Is Self-Respect Important?

You love yourself completely when you have self-respect. You love yourself for who you are and what you are doing, what you look like, and what you can accomplish. You take pleasure in who you are, raising the standards of what you will and won't allow into your life.

Unfortunately, self-respect, honesty, trust, and integrity, might be things that we don't prioritize in our relationships with others. You may feel disregarded by others and experience feelings of remorse, guilt, humiliation, and regret, leading to feeling unworthy of others' respect. Having self-respect will reflect out to others, and they will mirror back respect for you. 

Too many people put other people's needs ahead of themselves. While it is sometimes commendable, you must ultimately satisfy your own physical and emotional needs to appreciate and serve others. 

When you appreciate every part of yourself that makes you unique, you will begin to be less judgemental of yourself, freeing up your mind to achieve goals that you have set for yourself. Instead of believing that you can't, you will believe that you can. Your entire narrative of who you are will change for the better.


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Creating Personal Change