Creating Personal Change

There has to be a shift in a person's mindset to create lasting internal change. One will see external changes once they have created a positive mindset

There are several stages that one needs to pass through to achieve the personal transformation desired. The time it takes for this process of change to occur may vary, but there is a certain order to the steps of personal change.

 6 Stages of Personal Change

1.  Awareness.  Change can only occur when you are aware that a change is necessary. Maybe a situation arises that makes you aware of a behavior that worked for you before it no longer serves you. Or perhaps a belief you once had changed because you have learned more about yourself when digging in a little deeper. Taking note of your emotions, thoughts and behaviors helps to pinpoint where you need to make changes.

2.  Examination. After becoming aware that something is no longer benefiting you, take a good look at why that is. Ask yourself:

-What's wrong?

-Why do I feel this way? 

-What, if anything, needs to change? 

3.  Intention. Once you examine the issues, what are you going to do about them? What is your plan for changing? This is the stage where you decide a change needs to happen, and you look for all the avenues to make this happen. Set an intention that you will follow a certain plan.

4.  Action. Change cannot occur by simply wishing the situation was different. You need to take action on your plan. By this stage, you are fully aware that a change must occur. You have set your intention to make the change. Your next option is to act on your plan. This may take some time, or you may get through this stage fairly easily. 

5.  Improvement. You may have taken action on your change only to find out that it is not going the way you planned. That is OK. Step back and make corrections. Just because you have planned it out doesn't mean you won't need to tweak it along the way. Just keep moving forward on the promise you made to yourself without beating yourself up about detours. Creating personal change is a process.

Creating change within ourselves can be daunting. We have grown up developing certain beliefs and behaviors; they become a habit. Reprogramming yourself doesn't happen overnight, but it can happen if you are persistent. 

Having a fundamental awareness of these steps will help you go from experiencing emotional discomfort to feeling whole and satisfied. The next time you get a nagging feeling that something isn't right, take the time to examine your emotions. Do this every time you feel something negative, and you'll grow into the person you always dreamed of being.


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