Are Personal False Beliefs Holding You Back?

What you believe about yourself and the world around you has a more powerful influence on your reality than you can imagine. Your values and personal beliefs that you have carried throughout your life can impede the way toward your desired life. When you feel stuck or blocked in life, it is important to examine if your beliefs are false or true. It may be time to change these false beliefs.

False beliefs may have come from others as you were growing up. Maybe you had a parent or a teacher who would say that you weren't smart enough, pretty enough, or athletic enough. Maybe someone let you down, so now you believe you can never trust another person or let your guard down in a relationship. The bottom line is that these beliefs are limiting and self-sabotaging.

Reflect on the situations that formed the beliefs that are maybe holding you back. At some point, they may have been relevant and had a purpose, but now they no longer serve you. Observe how you felt when this belief began versus how you feel now. These beliefs may take time to change, but you can change them. To change these limiting and false beliefs, you need to be aware of them. Pay attention to what these beliefs may be costing you. Is it a promotion, a relationship, a trip you have always wanted to take? Try to catch yourself when you begin to go down the negative thinking road about yourself. Only you have the power to let go of what no longer serves you and try a new way of believing in yourself.


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