Five Benefits of Saying No

It could be that it makes us feel guilty, that we're letting someone down, or that we'll be considered selfish. After all, we don't want to upset others or make them feel bad. And sometimes it's just easier to give in and say yes. However, when you agree to do something at a time when you really shouldn't, you're giving away part of yourself. What are you giving away? Your time, your self-respect, and your control of your own needs.

As a result of not being able to say no, you end up putting your own needs behind the needs of others. That makes us feel unimportant. Saying yes when we really aren't able to give a true yes (without sacrificing something important) causes us to justify our reasons for the yes that we gave. "It's just this once, it won't take long, it's not a big deal, it's for a good cause." But it is a big deal, since every time you say yes but really want to say no, you're ignoring what your mind, intuition, or even your heart is telling you.

The Benefits of Saying No

  1. Saying yes causes stress when you really want to say no. This creates anxiety, increases tension in the body, and results in loss of sleep as you mull over those conflicting emotions and arguments that creep into your mind when all is quiet.

  2. Saying no allows you to weed out those people who are toxic in your life. You know, the ones who are always wanting you to do something for them or complain when it's their turn to be the giver. Toxic people can be master manipulators who use guilt to pressure you into saying you'll do something for them. 

  3. You'll have more energy by saying no. When you take on things you don't want to do or things that take up time you don't have, your own energy runs out. Ultimately, you're wasting your precious, limited resource - mental and physical energy that you could instead put toward doing things you care about.

  4. Saying no saves time. Only you can control how you use your time. When you agree to something you don't want to do, you're giving away that time. It's important to use your time in a way that puts your priorities and goals first.

  5. Tell others no, and you'll gain strength and confidence. Saying no lets you take control of your life. You'll become confident and feel strong when you set boundaries. 

Saying no takes practice. Yet the more you do it, the easier saying no becomes. It most likely will be uncomfortable in the beginning as you'll feel like you're disappointing others or letting yourself down. But your needs, your goals, your time, and what is important in your life should come before mindlessly saying yes when you really should be saying no.


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