Purposely Picking A Positive Mindset

Do you knowingly pick your mindset each day? Probably not, if you're like many people. The majority of us tend to let our surroundings choose our mindset. We're in a great state of mind as long as the kids cooperate and get to school on time, our car starts without a problem, we don't encounter any traffic congestion on the way to work, our workload is easy to handle, etc. As long as our life goes smoothly, we don't give a positive mindset a second thought.

However, that's not constantly the case. Scenarios don't always adhere to our expectations. Accidents happen. Delays happen. Bosses and spouses can be challenging. Cars break down. Children may resist our efforts to keep the schedule running efficiently. What happens to our attitude then? If we do not make an effort to pick a favorable mindset knowingly, we risk establishing an unfavorable outcome.

How would our lives change if we purposely picked a positive mindset each day? For starters, we'd feel much happier about our lives. We would see things through a brighter lens without feeling pressured to do more, be more, or prove our value.

Just because we pick a favorable attitude does not mean that everything will work out hunky-dory with no hiccups along the way. But setting a positive mindset first thing in the morning will help you react to any mishaps throughout your day with a positive attitude, which may lighten the impact of a negative outcome.

You may be asking, "why choose to be positive if we'll still experience unfavorable circumstances?" By choosing a positive mindset each day, we attract more positive experiences and lower the likelihood of adverse experiences. 

A positive mindset takes practice and intention. You will not see a shift right away. But if you continue creating this habit each day, you will gradually begin to see how choosing a positive mindset each day plays out in your habits and results. You will find that you are drawing in individuals and experiences that more match your attitude. 

Once again, this takes time and consistent practice, so go easy on yourself if, while you're trying to embrace a more positive attitude, you have days where you still struggle. Instead, focus on developing a stronger awareness of your attitude in your everyday experiences. Every minute of your day can be a choice to see your circumstances in a more positive light.


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